Friday, September 19, 2008

Human Frailty/ 人類的脆弱

So today the teacher said something that stuck with me. We were reading the preface to Lu Xun's collection of short stories, which is titled 啊Q正傳. And the author said that the characters in Lu Xun's stories all have a defeatist attitude, resign themselves to fate, oppress the good and timid but fear the wicked, are hypocritical, and are cynical. The Chinese is much more eloquent than my slipshod English paraphrase at 2:30 AM, so I'll provide the quote here: 「道盡了世間眾生的真是面貌-宿命意識,失敗主義,欺善怕惡,假仁假義,犬儒性格。。。等。」

Anyways, so then she went off on a tangent somewhat and talked about the phenomenon of buffets cropping up around Taipei. She said that the 吃到飽現象 started around the late '90s and reflected this need by humans to stuff themselves with food in order to fill a void. They need to fill their stomachs up in order to feel a sense of contentment, of fullness( 滿足口福)。She spoke of this as human frailty. That we as human beings constantly chase after this ephemeral feeling of contentment, which can come from as simple and base a source as eating till one bursts. 人類很脆弱,必須己撐著滿滿地才能滿足。

I apologize for my English readers for all the Chinese in this entry (I doubt I have any regular readers anyways), but I think I'm going to start moving in that direction as I have been in Taiwan for a year and I feel I've only recently started to take my studies seriously. I think it's reality setting in that I'm going to leave this fantasy isle in a few short months and I don't have much time left to study. The prospect of being another cog in the machine is not exactly motivational, so I'm trying to savor what little time I have left.

Well, this is day X of my insomnia month(s) and I find it's when I write the most-whether that be on Facebook walls, messages, MSN, or e-mails. I want to stop but like I said I have insomnia...well it's not even really insomnia because I eventually fall asleep just not at the time I want to as I have class in the morning.


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