Saturday, November 24, 2007

Stabbing at Taida

....I don't even know where to start.

My friend, Mike Toy, got stabbed in front of Taida (National Taiwan University aka Taiwan's most prestigious university). He was exiting the MRT/subway when a mentally deranged man slashed out randomly at people with a machete! Mike was cut on his right upper arm down to the bone and he felt to the ground. The next and final victim was a 50 year old man from Singapore, who was talking on the phone. This man sustained much more severe injuries-he nearly lost his hand and has to stay at the hospital for at least a week.

news in English:

more details (article in Chinese):


Today has been so weird. My phone basically stopped working besides text/SMS messages and an occasional receiving call (can't make calls). My cousin Yun Han is leaving tomorrow morning for Atlanta, GA to see her fiance who is studying at GA Tech. I also missed my teaching session in Beitou bc of the phone issue and bc Alex mixed up the dates and thought that we were going to Lava tonight. Then I ended up going to this really far place to eat crab...

ya know what...who cares....I didn't get stabbed by a machete. Life is good.

We are going to see Mike tomorrow at the hospital in Neihu and Conor is bringing food and reading materials.

1 comment:

Tim Maddog said...

I don't know Mike, but please wish him a speedy recovery.

Tim Maddog