Monday, October 22, 2007

Taizhong Biking Trip and Hakka Ground Tea (Lei Cha)

So on Saturday I got up bright and early at 6:30 AM bc departure time for Taizhong was 7 AM. We actually headed to a small cun (village) outside of Taizhong called, Hou Li, first to bike on the nature trail. It was pretty cool we went over this bridge and through this long narrow tunnel through a mountain. The weather was also fantastic.

Afterwards, we went to Taizhong Shi (Taizhong City proper) to this International Festival with performances and foods from various countries...they handed out these coupons, which got us free food at the stands of our choice.

Finally, we went somewhere else to have Ke Jia ren lei cha (Hakka Ground Tea) made from ground up green tea leaves, black and white sesame seeds, and assorted nuts (sunflower, peanuts, walnuts). After it was finely ground up by us with a mortar and the point that oil secreted from the tea and nuts...they added boiling water. We had that with this desert and some puffed white rice. It was pretty good.

Photos will be up soon.

I'm still recovering from last night. I've got a major headache and am just all around fatigued. This morning when I brushed my teeth I ended up dropping the Garfield mug given to me by either my aunt or my tang ge (paternal cousin). It shattered into pieces...I saw what was going to happen but I didn't even try to catch it...I was too groggy.

Last night we got back from the Taizhong trip around 8 PM even though we were supposed to be back by 7 PM and I was groggy as hell from uneven napping on the bumpy bus ride. Also, I had been eating all sorts of random international foods from S. America and Asia and I ended up with a bad case of diarrhea I'm not sure what it was. It could have been the Honduran burrito or the already cut and peeled fruit or etc etc. Anyways, I gave in to peer pressure and went to the dodgy Club Wax. Where Conor was celebrating his 23rd (I think?) b-day. Then the kickboxing crew showed up. I ended up dancing on stage and on the bar...again peer pressure...mostly Mike's. Afterwards, a bunch of us went to Gong guan and ate at Yoshinoya.

I think I'm going to the electronics market today to get a case for my iPod. I might play basketball tonight but that depends on how I feel later tonight.


my tangge said he already changed the plan from the 386 NTD one to the 500 something one but this month it's still the 300 one and this month's bill is 1,562 NTD! Shit/Mierda/Maird/Kuso. So now on top of the headache I have from all the tequila i drank last night, I have a headache from the stress of calling my damn cousin.

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